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About Us

Northgate Professionals Uncategorized 5th July, 2011 No Comments

The Professionals Tax Depreciation is Australia’s principal specialist in depreciation allowances for investment properties. We focus on providing Tax Depreciation Reports for owners of residential, commercial, industrial and leisure properties. Servicing all of Australia’s cities and regions, we can assist you to maximize your tax benefits.

Our expert knowledge of depreciation ensures your needs are met with the highest level of personalised and professional, cost and time efficient service. The Professionals Tax Depreciation applies the latest Australian Taxation Office (ATO) rulings and interpretation to provide you with an optimised and accurate depreciable lifetime view of your property.

The Professionals Tax Depreciation’s insight and understanding of Depreciation Tax rulings can provide you with maximum tax and financial benefits for your investment property, while keeping up to date and completely compliant to the ATO.


The Professionals Tax Depreciation guarantees the highest quality of service and integrity in the preparation of Tax Depreciation Reports. Our inclusive report maximizes the depreciation allowance claimable and is based on detailed physical assessment of the property.

If the depreciation entitlements of a property do not amount to at least double our professional fees in the first financial year, The Professionals Tax Depreciation will gladly refund the fee charged and provide the report free of charge.

The cost of a Tax Depreciation Report is 100% tax deductible and the benefits of the entitlements far outweigh the costs.